Character Spotlight - Chris Redfield

Wed, Dec 5, 2018

by Ray Fisher

Read in 5 minutes

Character Spotlight - Chris Redfield

To go with a new name, we will also have a slightly different format. I will no longer be the only voice rambling on; as we are going to open this up to all of us here, so that we can bring you content more consistently. We hope this will make for a more pleasant stay when you come visit!

Alright, enough out of me. Time to get this show started!

Our first target for Character Spotlight is a someone that I’ve wanted to talk about for quite some time. With nerves of steel and with shoulders the size of boulders, he’s always ready to take on anything the Umbrella Corporation can throw at him. Our special guest today is none other than:


Chris Redfield! While Resident Evil is not known for having the best (or even the most consistent) writing, the characters and their struggles has always been what’s drawn me back to the series time and again. In case you are not in the know, Resident Evil takes place in a world where a giant, evil pharmaceutical company, Umbrella, conducts research and inhumane experiments that result in zombies and other terrifying creatures being used as weapons. In the most recent games, bio-terrorism has become a constant and known threat; RE’s world is not a safe one. Chris and his partner Jill Valentine (who you can bet I’ll talk about another time) form what I consider to be the nucleus of the Resident Evil games, and a duo that can take on anything.

Originally conceived as a “blunt, tough-guy type” by the series producer Hideki Kamiya, Chris has become more than that through the years. When we first met Chris in the original Resident Evil (1996) he was only 25, and already an accomplished marksman and fighter pilot, having served in the USAF for about 6 years. As a result of being a stoic and uncompromising individual, Chris left the Air Force and was later recruited by an old friend to join Raccoon City’s new initiative, S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics And Rescue Service) Recognizing his skills, he was given leadership of Alpha Team by the company’s captain, Albert Wesker. Fitting in right away with the ex-military group, Redfield met his future partner and best friend Jill Valentine, and had friendly rivalries with many teammates.

That all changed on July 24, 1996. The Mansion Incident. The Spencer Estate. Whatever you call it, Chris Redfield’s life was irrevocably mutated, just like the poor souls in the Mansion. Instead of becoming a monster, however, Chris’ life was changed to one of constant, desperate struggle. Having fought through the night against all manner of unspeakable Bio-Organic Weapons and sinister traps, Chris escaped the Mansion with the remnants of the S.T.A.R.S., Rebecca Chambers, Barry Burton and Jill Valentine. No one else had survived. Taking a moment to feel the sun on his face as the rescue chopper raced away, Chris knew this wasn’t the end; Umbrella would pay. They would pay for the loss of his friends and comrades, for the nightmarish experiments, for everything. He knew then he would never stop until Umbrella was no more.


As the series continued on, Chris would often find himself at the centre of the most pivotal bio-terrorism events, making appearances in seven of the series’ twelve main games. As I mentioned, Chris began as the tough guy archetype, but evolves into the guy you want on your side in a fight, the best friend that will never give up on you, no matter the cost. Resident Evil 5 focused heavily on this as Chris and his new partner, Sheva Alomar, embarked on a mission under the BSAA (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance) to stop a BOW Terrorist cell from making a sale. While tackling the main mission, he was also following his own intelligence pertaining to the whereabouts of Jill, who had been declared dead. As the dust cleared at the end of RE5, Redfield had accomplished his mission, rescued Jill, dealt the final blow to a long-time nemesis, AND saved the world from total annihilation at the hands of a deadly disease.


Most recently, Chris made an odd appearance towards the end of Resident Evil 7, and quite frankly, I don’t know what to make of it. Arriving towards the end of the game, he introduces himself only as “Redfield,” and looks very different from how we are used to seeing him. There’s also the minor detail of him showing up in a freakin’ Umbrella Corporation Chopper! Hopefully, we can find out more with RE7’s next, and I believe last, piece of DLC, Not a Hero.

Chris is the centre of the Resident Evil universe, and the Redfield name is synonymous with strong, courageous characters. Chris has taught me through the years that even the best of us are not infallible, and it’s okay to fall. It’s how you pick yourself back up that counts. Lead from the front, be the man that you would follow to Hell and back, and always, always remember your friends.

If you would like to learn more about Chris Redfield and his adventures, you can always check me out as I play through the Resident Evil series, Thursdays on Twitch, 7:30pm - 9:30pm. Alternatively, the best three games to see Chris in actions are:

Resident Evil HD - available on PS4, Xbox One and a number of other platforms

  • Resident Evil 5 - PS3, Xbox360, PS4, Xbox One
  • Resident Evil 6 - PS3, Xbox360, PS4, Xbox One

These games will give you a good idea of the kind of man Chris is, but for the full experience, here is all the games in which Chris makes an appearance:

  • Resident Evil - it’s many incarnations, but I suggest the HD version above
  • Resident Evil Code Veronica X - PSNow
  • Resident Evil Revelations - 3DS, PS3, Xbox 360, PC, with PS4/Xbox One versions coming 2017
  • Resident Evil 5 - PS3, Xbox360, PS4, Xbox One
  • Resident Evil 6 - PS3, Xbox360, PS4, Xbox One
  • Resident Evil 7 -PS4, Xbox One
  • Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles - Wii, PS3
